Date & Time
02 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
St Joseph’s Church Hall, Queen Street, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2ET
Event description
This local network lets dementia carers discuss their issues and connect to others in a similar position. Do you need to feel more supported and less isolated?
Dementia carers need support
Who cares for you? If you are a dementia carer living or working in or near Newton Abbot this Dementia Carer Network is for you. Are you affected by someone you know with dementia? Do you feel isolated and alone? Former carers are experts by experience and can help others going through it now, so please come along if this is you. Talking helps. Share your experiences with other dementia carers, bring your issues, find answers, information and understanding. The sessions will generally take place on the first Thursday of each month and you will find them on the Events page of this website. Places are free. It helps us if you can contact us to let us know you are coming.
All welcome
We look forward to seeing you – no connection too small. If you think it might help you come along and give it a try. Tell any relatives, friends or neighbours who might benefit. Former carers are experts by experience and their contribution can help those caring today. Tea, coffee and cake!!
Mary Sherwood will be using her experience in this field to facilitate the sessions. She has created Dementia Carer Networks at the Met Office Teignbridge District Council and the British Library. This project is part of her commitment to a Dementia Friendly Newton Abbot and much needed support for dementia carers.
Useful access information
St Joseph’s Hall is accessed via the side alley next to the RC Church on Queen Street. Cricketfield car park is probably closest – pay on leaving.
Future Dates and times
First Thursdays of the month 1400 – 1530:
6th September
4th October
1st November
6th December
Why not come along and give it a try!
Contact us to let us know you are coming, join our group, or simply to share your experiences. We look forward to hearing from you.